I remember when my ugly ass boyfriend cheated on me, I thought I would die. I thought that life was over for me. I could see the white light. I knew that it was the end for me. Until I realized that he was nothing more than an idiot. I realized that he didn't offer me much of anything. And that was enough for me to say goodbye and good ridden. I didn't need to hold on to anything that was going to bring me down, and not lift me up. I needed to love myself enough to know that he was the loser in this situation, not me. I think for most of us, we tend to hold on because we are afraid to start over. Or we don't want to be alone. Freak that. So you would rather be unhappy then be single? That is stupid. Never let another human being dictate your happiness. They are nothing more than another human being. Allow yourself room to be happy. To be joyful and find someone that isn't going to cheat on you every time they turn around. There are people who are more than w...
Loving yourself to greatness means loving yourself first so that you can love someone else completely.
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