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Breaking up Is Hard to Do

So here we are. We are deciding that we want to go ahead and kill the relationship. I have come to the decision in my mind that I no longer want to deal with his bullshit. I don't want to be his girl any more. And I would rather date a dog before I continue being with him.

This is something alot of women go through. Ultimately if you are ready to call it quits, then do that. Don't let it linger, don't allow him to stick around if you aren't happy any longer.

Many people tend to let things sit and marinate for far too long before they actually make a decision. I think all that does is make things worse. If it's time to break up then it's time to break up.

I'm not sure why this video was created. But they talk about breaking up while still in love. This is super weird because if you are in love then why are you breaking up?

But as an outsider, I guess there are things that I just don't fully understand about love. So I'm going to let you guys take a peek and let me know what you think.


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